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Info: Conceptual Systems vs. Physical Systems
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Electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering are applications of science in which CS are developed, then PS are constructed from them. An example of such a CS is an electrical circuit diagram. Such a diagram is a CC, and contains standard symbols representing certain physical objects, such as switches, compactors or diodes.

A complete circuit diagram represents a complete working physical electrical circuit (which is a PC). There is more chaos in the real circuit than in the diagram. The diagram can not account for all possible physical variables.

It is impossible to measure most systems, especially ones involving sub atomic particles, with 100% accuracy or to ever completely isolate a PS from the universe. That has not significantly affected scientific progress though. This alludes to an interesting question: “can a CS ever fully explain any PS?” H. V. Quine, author of the renowned book “Methods of Logic” wrote: “…physical objects are known to us only as parts of a systematic conceptual structure which, taken as a whole, impinges at its edges upon observation” (1). So maybe the answer is simply: “the only factor limiting the ability of a conceptual system to explain a physical system is observation.” One even might venture to say: “all physical systems are inherently conceptual because experiences and observations are subjective.”


PS - physical system(s)
PP - PS from PS
PC - PS from CS
CS - conceptual system(s)
CP - CS from PS
CC - CS from CS

Works Cited

Herbert, Nick.
Elemental Mind.
New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 188-189, et al.

Houghton Mifflin Company.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.
Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000.

Quine, W.V.
Methods of Logic, Forth Edition. Willard Van Orman, ed.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982. 0-5, et al.

Other Works Consulted

Clapham, Christopher.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics, Second Edition
Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Richards, Luana, et al. ed.
“Chapter 5, Temperature and Heat,” “Atmospheric Optics: Rainbows, Halos, Blue Sky.”
Inquiry into Physics, Third Edition. New York, et al: West Publishing Company, 1995.
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